Hello, everyone! This is Prownus, an enthusiastic English teacher and friend who has been teaching h...
Good day, everyone! I am Alpasan, an education graduate, and I have been teaching here since 2024. I...
Hello, English enthusiasts! I am Dumtino, an English major, and I have been teaching here since 2024...
Hello, there! My name is Cormanti, and I am a licensed professional teacher. I love traveling, the a...
Hello, student! My name is Proboza. I graduated with a with a Bachelor of Arts major in English lang...
Greetings, everyone! I am Tanzatin, and a fun fact about me is that I am an easy person to talk with...
Good day, everyone! I am Gwapo. I graduated with a degree in Secondary Education major in Social Stu...
Hello, everyone! I'm Leywick, and I've been teaching here since 2023. I'm an enthusiastic sportspers...
Struggling with pronunciation? Thrilled to learn new vocabularies? Eager to discover the world of th...
What a fantastic way to kick off the day with Miss Pringday! That’s P-R-I-N-G D-A-Y. I am a graduate...