Good day, everyone. I am Camboy, and I have been teaching here since 2024. I'm friendly and I really...
Hello, everyone! I'm Conagus, and I've been teaching here since 2024. I love watching dramas, dancin...
Hello, my name is Fernito. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education with a major in Englis...
"Hello, everyone! My name is Metallic, and I'm thrilled to be here with you today. I have been teach...
Hello there! I'm Hugenie. I heard you want to become fluent in English, and I'm here to support you ...
"""Mistakes are proof that you are trying. Learn English with me and keep on thriving."" Hello, e...
Hello, English enthusiasts! I am Dumtino, an English major, and I have been teaching here since 2024...
Hello! Do you want your time to be meaningful? Come and join me in a class! I'm Abico, your best bud...
Good day, everyone! My name is Niones. I have a bachelor's degree in English, and I am fully dedicat...
Hello there! My name is Moebiz, and I'm super excited to be your English teacher! We're going to exp...