Hi, everyone! I'm Laheen. I am an easy-going person who loves to learn every day. With my passion fo...
Hi everyone! I am your teacher Ramona and I am really interested in teaching student who also want t...
To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world. Hi! Welcome to QQ En...
Good day, everyone! I am Blitzie, a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Management ...
Hi! My name is Taystee. I have been here since 2023. I like traveling, cooking or baking, playing gu...
Hi, good day everyone! My name is Rundolph. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education major...
Hi everyone! I'm Socca, passionate about sharing my knowledge with eager learners. I enjoy music, si...
Hello, everyone! I am Arfath. I have been teaching here since 2024. I love exploring new things, but...
Hello there! This is teacher Sundae. I believed that learning English is just like travelling. Once...
How do you find the English language? Do you find it boring? Hello, my dearest students, I’m teacher...