Hello, everyone! I'm Vidal, and I've been teaching English since 2023. Music is my passion, and I en...
Hello, everyone! I'm Liggoti, and I've been teaching here since 2023. I have a passion for music, ar...
In a world where communication bridges gaps, learning and mastering a language becomes an amazing ac...
English is the key to unlocking a brilliant future. Good day, everyone. I am Rizwan. I have been tea...
Hi, I'm Aljerom from the Philippines. I have been teaching here since 2023. I am always fascinated b...
Good day, everyone! I am Oximar. I have been teaching here since 2023. I have a strong passion for l...
Hello, everyone! I am Puppadon. I hope this message finds you well. I have been a teacher here since...
Hello, everyone! I'm Chepziba, a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education from Lapu-Lapu City Co...
Good day, everyone! I'm Elleyu, a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education from Lapu-Lapu City C...
Hello, everyone! I'm Geke, a highly-motivated graduate of Bachelor of Arts in English Language. Sing...